Metal Polishing Product


- Polished metal found on the fingerprint stains, water stains, oil, soot, stains, cleaning, such as institutions of the metal shines.Creating a protective layer helps to prevent re-contamination. 
- Does not contain any harmful solvents (aromatic, chlorinated, etc..) 

Application Areas:

- All metal surfaces, chrome, copper, stainless steel, brass, inox, etc. galvanized. also gives excellent results. Kitchens, food preparation and sale units available in schools, hotels are used. 

Application Instructions:

- LIGHTER'ý you want to clean and polish the surface with the help of a spray applied, and with the help of a clean cloth spread over the surface with circular motions. 

Safety Rules are:

- Spray from the face and eyes must be protected. 
- Do not mix with other cleaning agents 
- Always use gloves.